I made this right after I read STIFF : The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach. The topics in the book honestly shocked and amazed me. It was gross and stomach turning at times, but captivating and delectable throughout. The bag of doll parts I scooped up at a recycling center that had been sitting in my closet untouched for almost a year came to mind immediately. I stripped a doll of its limbs and cut a square into the chest. I placed the ticking heart I crafted behind a 2cm x 2cm acrylic square and adhered the torso to the light fixture for energy. Painted that with a few shades of gold and put the cog atop her neck to resemble a thinking brain. I covered the arm sockets with round jewelry beads and small mirrors to reflect the soul.
I made this right after I read STIFF : The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach. The topics in the book honestly shocked and amazed me. It was gross and stomach turning at times, but captivating and delectable throughout. The bag of doll parts I scooped up at a recycling center that had been sitting in my closet untouched for almost a year came to mind immediately. I stripped a doll of its limbs and cut a square into the chest. I placed the ticking heart I crafted behind a 2cm x 2cm acrylic square and adhered the torso to the light fixture for energy. Painted that with a few shades of gold and put the cog atop her neck to resemble a thinking brain. I covered the arm sockets with round jewelry beads and small mirrors to reflect the soul.